category 1: crazy seller sets price too high/crazy bidder raises price too high

rare chanel record purse which i think went for $800+. i know it's rare. but i can't live without it.

humongous bakelite heart necklace that had a starting price of $100.

paul frank collaboration with artist mark ryden, sold out and now only available on ebay. for $200+.

SWEET vintage mondrian boots from the 60's (the seller said his mom was a go-go dancer). they were $150 but in retrospect i should have bought them!

chuck taylor-inspired chanel sneakers. these went for $150+ i think? it's not a bad price but more than i want to spend for tennis shoes (i never wear them).

vintage polka dot dress. like 98% of mama stone's items, this went for like $100+.

authentic vintage lolita sunglasses (not the fake kind that urban outfitters sells for $18 each), went for $30. and i ended up paying $30 for heart sunglasses at topshop anyway.
category 2: does not fit/will not fit no matter how much i justify it in my mind
this category only usually applies to shoes or dresses that are so tiny that they will not fit humans. with larger dresses and things i can usually find a way to tailor them.

i think these vintage lightning bolt heels were an 8.5? i am a 7. too much of a difference for me to pad.

vintage red and white bow peep toe wedges. size 5. i think more people had small feet back then?

chanel meets cinderella! i think these were a size 9.

vintage piano-shaped music/jewelry box that would never have been able to house my massive jewelry collection.
category 3: borderline ugly/what the hell would i wear this to or with?

fluffy vintage kitten sweater! so ugly but so cute!

so ugly they are AMAZING. christian louboutin daisy wedges.

vintage yellow flower dress. very, very yellow.

vintage rainbow flats. they look like a smoggy, southern california sunset.

if i were shrinkle i could pull this off, but sadly i am not. vintage heart dolly dress.

vintage puff sleeve blouse with TEDDY BEARS on it! the five year-old in me was very excited.

kind of cute, the picture on the right is supposed to be the back. i wish i knew what it looked like on an actual back intead of a tattoo-ed stomach.

vintage tuxedo dress that looked really cute on a girl at misshapes but not neccessarily on me.

vintage bird tunic/dress thing. too over the top?

kind of costume-y but i bet it would have fit great.
category 4: i simply forgot to bid (most heartbreaking category)

cute rainbow sun dress i could've worn in the spring/summer : (

previous season marc by marc jacobs dress with lady faces on it!

fun vintage dress with blue birds on it.

sweet vintage bakelite anchor necklace.

previous season built by wendy puff sleeve sweater with the music to neil young's "tonight's the night."

the most perfect pair of vintage boots. i have yet to discover another pair of perfect vintage boots, and in my size.

vintage sailor shirt. looks very fred flare.

vintage nautical sailor dress with anchor buttons.

vintage babydoll sailboat dress (i would have shortened it). this one may also fall into the category of "what the hell would i wear this to."

vintage black lace nightgown i would have shortened. and worn a slip under.

vintage ribbon dress. i think i forgot to bid on this one.

cute vintage tie blouse with birds on it!
category 4: i'm an ebay seller and i should never have sold this because i lie awake at night dreaming about it

pink marc by marc jacobs heart flats

pretty vintage cocktail dress i would have absolutely no opportunity to wear anywhere because i don't get invited to cocktail parties.

dress i got at jet rag in los angeles and really regret selling.

one of my favorite thrift finds from a CHOC store which no longer exists. R.I.P. CHOC, i loved shopping in you.

it fit nicely.

another CHOC find. lovingly dubbed by my best friend cara (my lovely model) as "the wench dress."

vintage mondrian dress that fit me funny because i am too short.

the perfect LBD that i let go.

mustard yellow sweater that even my mom liked.

cute vintage flight attendant dress that i was adamant upon purchasing at buffalo exchange even though my friends told me not to.

airy and lightweight and would have been perfect for spring.

dress i made from an ugly pantsuit. it reminded me of a luella dress.
You have some great finds ! especially the vintage sunglasses and chanel !
Those Mondrian go-go boots will haunt me for the rest of my life. Glad you found a Mondrian dress though, even if it's ill-fitting. I am always on the lookout.
Did you sell the Mondrian dress? What a pity! Just to add some colour to my comment, I found your blog via a Google search on Mondrian dresses after having been outbid on one and you were featured on StyleMob or something similar, so, as you can I see, I, too, am suffering from eBay regret!
I am very envious of you guys in the US, because I think US vintage is so much more wearable than the stuff I find in the UK! It's kind of ironic that I probably found more US vintage back in Singapore (where I come from) prior to moving to the UK for work last year.
Anyway, I'll end off here. Love the lookbook!
The Mondrian's boots are really fantastic ! I put them into my blog.
Too bad you sold the jewelry box :-( that would have been perfect for me
that last dress of yours is so cute, the one that you made out of the ugly pant suit!
aghh, i wish i could make clothing.
I love your taste in style.
In the 70's I was wearing vintage dresses from the 40's. In those days you could get the gorgeous Hawaaiin shirts at Sally's for under five dollars. I loved collecting lace blouses, cashmere. I'm currently trying to find pictures of the white go-go boots I wore in 5th grade, and the mod black and white carnaby hat I wore with the matching mini-skirt, black belt. I think I wore a black turtleneck with it. I'm sorry I don't have a picture of this. A bunch of girls in gradeschool bought these same outfit then, must have been 1964-ish.
I love your taste in style.
In the 70's I was wearing vintage dresses from the 40's. In those days you could get the gorgeous Hawaaiin shirts at Sally's (Salvation Army) for under five dollars. I loved collecting lace blouses, cashmere. I'm currently trying to find pictures of the white go-go boots I wore in 5th grade, and the mod black and white carnaby hat I wore with the matching mini-skirt w/black belt. I think I wore a black turtleneck with it. I'm sorry I don't have a picture of this. A bunch of girls in gradeschool bought these same outfit then, must have been 1964-ish.
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